
Dec 5, 2022

Are the UK’s children getting less healthy?

The United Kingdom has seen a surge in childhood obesity rates over the past decade. With kids spending more time indoors, exercising less and indulging in unhealthy snacks, this weight gain could be linked to lifestyle choices. But is that the only cause? This article will delve into the current health of UK children and explore the factors which might be contributing to this worrying trend. We’ll consider whether children are getting less healthy, what we can do to help combat this problem and whether or not technology could be playing a role.

Nov 14, 2022

Fun, free, fit and family friendly. Top tips to be active as a family

We all know how important it is to keep our bodies active and healthy. But, with busy modern lives, it can be difficult to find ways to all fit in exercise together as a family. These tips are designed to make being active fun, free, fit and friendly. From outdoor activities to indoor games, you can use these ideas to get your whole family moving – and having fun!

Nov 7, 2022

Getting your kids active on a budget

Keeping our children active is essential for their physical, mental and social wellbeing. Unfortunately, it can be difficult and expensive to find ways to keep kids entertained that won’t break the bank. That’s why we’ve created this blog post to provide you with tips on getting your kids active without breaking the bank.